Tuesday, July 31, 2018


How difficult is it to step away from the busyness of life? 

According to the Chinese language - Busyness is represented by 2 single pictograph characters:  Heart and Annihilation
Busyness is something that steals our life away. Stress and exhaustion seem to weigh on us in a way that we feel we must always be doing something...we are constantly on the go or plugged in to something. I say "we" because I can truly identify and personally attest to this life. I have lived this for a long time and it has truly taken its toll on my life.

Are you able to unplug from the world and devote time to silence and reflection?  

Can you truly do this??

I challenge you to step away and find a way to create time for silence:

As you process through One Word and reflect remember, unplugging is not just to find your Word.  This is a great practice start daily and will truly have a positive impact on your life. I have devoted every morning to waking up before my family so that I can have time to reflect and focus on me and my faith. This practice helps me to start the day in the right frame of mind with a positive and thankful heart. 

Take at least 30 minutes today to unplug from everything and just be. Enjoy taking it all in.


  1. Totally guilty of always being plugged in! Music is my love!! Wish I could make the day just a little longer to get all those To Do items done. This will be a difficult challenge for sure, but it is definitely needed.

  2. Due to our recent move from McKinney, part of the transition involved living with my parents out in Throckmorton. I was forced (because of their location) to go without ANY WiFi. At first, I went into "panic mode". Then realized it was exactly what I needed.
    I've been able to soak up quality time with my children and parents, notice God's beauty in nature, and relax. It's definitely connecting with my ONE WORD experience.

  3. Love this assignment! Thank you!❤️ Unplugging is so difficult to do in our fast paced world, but so necessary!!

  4. My unplugging is sometimes getting up early and sitting quietly on my back porch, listening to the birds and just chilling.
    - J Bouyer

  5. I think it’s important for our kids to see us unplugged as well. They are growing up in this generation that has never known anything different.

  6. Unplugging can be so difficult in our busy world. I love sitting on my backporch in the mornings or evenings without a device in my hands. Our families need to see us unplugged when we are with them. We need to be "present" with our families.
    Tami Waller


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