Sunday, August 5, 2018


Legacy...what will your legacy say about you?

"What you do today determines who you become tomorrow. And what you do each year determines the legacy you leave.  Your word shapes your character. Your character influences your actions. Your actions influence others. The lives you touch and the impact you have determine the story that will be told about you tomorrow.
Jon Gordon

For those of you that may not know my background, I grew up in the cutting horse industry, an industry in the heart of Parker County. I was blessed with many years of riding horses and being around some amazing Cowboys and Cowgirls that have created a culture in an industry that exemplifies heart. My family was connected to a Brock family long before I ever realized it through the cutting horse industry - The Welch FamilyWhitney Welch and three of her friends, all Brock ISD students, were killed on December 19, 1998, the result of an encounter with a drunk driver. It was a devastating loss. Through this loss, the Welch family created a memorial scholarship in the National Youth Cutting Horse Association.  "Whitney exemplified the true meaning of sportsmanship; she was a quiet girl, always friendly, courteous and respectful to others. Whitney was gracious in winning as well as losing. Whitney’s father, former National Cutting Horse Association President, Greg Welch, passed away on July 4, 2004, after a brief illness. Greg was a much-loved supporter of young cutters and served as a positive force in the lives of many youth members". The attached video was created this year and speaks to Legacy. Given the connection to Brock ISD and the book we have read this summer, I felt it only fitting to include it in this blog.  Please take a moment to hear some powerful words regarding legacy and a local family.

 The Whitney & Greg Welch Memorial Scholarship

Live a life that leaves a legacy.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


How difficult is it to step away from the busyness of life? 

According to the Chinese language - Busyness is represented by 2 single pictograph characters:  Heart and Annihilation
Busyness is something that steals our life away. Stress and exhaustion seem to weigh on us in a way that we feel we must always be doing something...we are constantly on the go or plugged in to something. I say "we" because I can truly identify and personally attest to this life. I have lived this for a long time and it has truly taken its toll on my life.

Are you able to unplug from the world and devote time to silence and reflection?  

Can you truly do this??

I challenge you to step away and find a way to create time for silence:

As you process through One Word and reflect remember, unplugging is not just to find your Word.  This is a great practice start daily and will truly have a positive impact on your life. I have devoted every morning to waking up before my family so that I can have time to reflect and focus on me and my faith. This practice helps me to start the day in the right frame of mind with a positive and thankful heart. 

Take at least 30 minutes today to unplug from everything and just be. Enjoy taking it all in.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Power of One Word

Words are powerful... 

Remember this saying growing up:

Wasn't this saying the old "defense" to any negative things that kids would say to us?
Are negative words the only words that have power in our lives?

Is there really power in 


As educators, we know there is power in words.  Not only the words but the frequency, the emotion, and the intent behind those words. We would not be educators if we did not believe that words have power. However, do you believe that One Word, just One, can have a life-changing impact on your life? 

If so, how much impact can One Word really have on your life? Jon Gordon talks about these 6 dimensions specifically:






As we prepare for the year, think about how your word can impact each day. How much does how we look at things impact what we do? How many times do we have to refocus in order to be the best "us" every day? It is not easy, but One word can truly make a difference.


Post ideas that can bring the process of choosing One Word to life for the students at Brock Intermediate.  There are tons of ways we can use this for kids as well as ourselves...think outside the box....go!! 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

In the beginning...

Chapter 1:  The Story of One Word

Have you ever made a new year's resolution? How did it turn out?  Were you successful in maintaining it through the year? 
If you can't recall one you have made in the past, below are a few common ones for 2018:

Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to maintain a resolution through an entire year? How easy it is to move past the newness and step away from the goal? 

Think about why Jon Gordon developed "One Word" and what power there is in being able to maintain specific focus.

"The most important part of life change is a         change of the heart."


Post a "meme" that speaks to the resolution you made and/or your fulfillment of that resolution.  Have fun, be creative, and enjoy reading what your teammates post! 

Here is one of mine from years ago:  "Learn something new every day."